AO Shirley Grounds

AO Shirley Grounds

AO SHirley GRounds REPAIR BACKGROUND Extensive damage to AO Shirley Grounds not only interrupted training for local athletes but also rendered the Virgin Islands unable to host national and international competitions. In addition to the destruction of the pavilion,...
Virgin Gorda Sports Complex

Virgin Gorda Sports Complex

Virgin Gorda Sports Complex Repairs BACKGROUND Following the hurricanes Virgin Gorda residents lost a valued recreational space. Damage to the Jeffrey Caines Sports Arena, which housed a basketball and volleyball court, and had previously been a centre for community...
Special Debris Clearance

Special Debris Clearance

Special debris Clearance BACKGROUND Despite initial clean-up immediately following the hurricanes, a significant amount of debris in the form of roofing, construction materials, vehicles and scrap metal remained scattered across all the islands. Removing the debris...
Virgin Gorda Baths

Virgin Gorda Baths

Virgin Gorda Baths BACKGROUND The Baths at Virgin Gorda are internationally renowned for their natural beauty and are visited by the majority of tourists to the Virgin Islands, whether cruise ship visitors, yacht charterers or land-based tourists. Prior to the...