by Colene Penn | Jan 29, 2021 | News
COMMUNITY SOLAR HUBS PROJECT POWERS GREEN RECOVERY The Leonora Delville Primary School has been announced as one of the first of several public buildings that will become a ‘community solar hub’ in the BVI this year. The installation is part of a wider project, led by...
by Colene Penn | Jan 28, 2021 | News
13 COMPANIES EXPRESS INTEREST IN THE RVIPF MARINE BASE FENCING, gates and drains WORKS Representatives from 13 local firms are better prepared to submit tender packages for the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force Fencing, Gates and Drains Project, the newest tender...
by Colene Penn | Jan 28, 2021 | News
LASHAUNA MARSHALL JOINS RDA AS PROJECT MANAGER The Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Lashauna Marshall as a Junior Project Manager for a period of one year effective 6 January, 2021. Ms Marshall will provide...
by Colene Penn | Jan 22, 2021 | Monthly Reports, Publications
The November 2020 Monthly Report, produced by our Monitoring and Evaluation Team, contains status updates of projects during that month, as well as news on planning, policy and communications. Work continued in earnest on wrapping up Phase One projects...
by Colene Penn | Jan 18, 2021 | Expression of Interest, Invitations to Tender, News, Opportunities, Press Releases, Previous Opportunities
Repairs to the Royal virgin islands police force marine base fencing, gates and drains Repairs to the RVIPF Marine Base Fencing, Gates and Drains The RDA now invites tenders from eligible and qualified Tenderers for the repair works to the RVIPF Marine Base...