AO SHirley GRounds REPAIR
athletes but also rendered the Virgin Islands unable to host national and international competitions. In addition to the destruction of the pavilion, lights and bathrooms and damage to the grandstand and the track, the perimeter wall was destroyed. This meant that there was no means of restricting entry during competitions and thus for sports associations to generate revenue from ticket sales.
STATUS: Delivery Underway
Ministry Partner: Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth Affairs. Fisheries and Agriculture.
Project Number: 152
Project Start Date: October 2018
Projected End Date: February 2020
Stay up to date on all of project by reviewing our monthly reports: RDA Monthly Reports.
The grounds have been prepared and a new track installed enabling training and sporting events to resume. Floodlights are in the process of being procured which will allow use of the grounds to continue after dark. After evaluating various options, the Ministry and RDA have elected to reconstruct the perimeter wall from recycled plastic, being both a more economical solution and a valuable example of how recycled materials can be used. Reconstruction of the bathrooms is underway and planning for the repairs to the grandstand, lights and pavilion is underway.
Restoration of the Virgin Islands national sports ground is well underway and the facility is once again fit for practice and training purposes for local athletes. Completion of repairs will provide all 28,000 Virgin Islands residents with a national athletics ground that meets international accreditation standards and can host regional and international events. The grounds will also meet the sports and events needs of children from neighbouring schools of Elmore Stoutt High School and Althea Scatliffe Primary School.
Please reach us at or through our Contact Us page if you’d like to provide a donation to this project.
BUDGET: To be released once planning for the project has been finalised.
The state received following funds: $150,000 BVI Olympics Committee (with support from PanAm Sports), $30,000 initial installment from BVI Athletics Association.
Here you can find a collection of media for the AO Shirley Grounds, such as photos, videos, and publications.