The Monthly Report for November 2018 highlights the 6 projects that are underway pre-November 30th.

A status summary for the projects:

  1. The Special Debris Clearance Programme is near completion,
  2. The removal & disposal of all derelict boats project is moving on through planning,
  3. The establishment of temporary school units at the Elmore Stoutt High School is almost at the end of the planning stage,
  4. The A. O. Shirley Recreation Grounds repairs will begin after the technician arrives,
  5. Repair of the Virgin Gorda Police Barracks has begun and;
  6. Repair of the Jost Van Dyke Admin Building is being procured.

This monthly report is the second of its kind and is a public progress tracker of the implementation of the Recovery to Development Plan.

Read for yourself online or download it from the same link.