Repairs, Equipment and TA to Port Authority

Repairs, Equipment and TA to Port Authority

The scope of the follow on short-term support to recovery and development of Port Purcell has been detailed in the most recent assessment report. Once the scope is verified by the Ministry of Communications and Works and the Port Authority, this will be ready to progress to procurement. Similarly, the requirements for the fence to protect the power plant from flying debris from the Pockwood Pond waste site has been scoped in a recent assessment of the power plant and this is ready to proceed to procurement. Whereas more detailed scoping is required for the repairs to the Anegada port.

The research on telecommunications will need to be scoped further to determine exactly how this will contribute to the design of a programme of support in the next phase of the recovery and development programme to strengthen the resilience, coverage and value for money of telecommunications in the Virgin Islands.

The detailed scoping of the support to improve the effectiveness of waste management will be undertaken once the Ministry of Health and Social Development has further developed the strategy for waste management.

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