Director of Finance
Professional Life: I am a Chartered Accountant with over 27 years of accounting and auditing experience in various industries of the public and private sectors. I have led my career with a high level of professionalism and integrity. In a world where it seems like corruption is the order of the day, I have not and will not compromise on my Integrity. I choose to follow the correct procedures and do the right thing.
Values and Beliefs: As a devout Christian Professional, Integrity, is a critical core value that must be exercised. Additionally, as a single parent in the world of corruption and negative influences, I have taken the stance and sought to train my children to be godly children. They have been taught the difference between right and wrong. I encourage them to choose the right path as the Lord says it will be well with them.
In a world that promotes scamming and corruption, I was brought up to be honest and kind to my fellow man. I continue to live by those values, being encouraged by the Word of God that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
As a woman, you are called to play many different roles – Mother, Daughter, Sister, Nurse, worker and the list goes on. It is important to find that balance and practice self-care. Sometimes, it is ok to say, ‘Give me five minutes’, or disappear for 3o mins. At the end of the day, you have to refresh yourself and take some time to breathe. If you don’t you might face burn out and sickness will definitely follow.
Ladies, you do a lot….take time for yourself.