RFP Number: RDA/ITT/2025/001/NCB
The Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) in the British Virgin Islands was established to implement the Government’s recovery plan following the devastating effects of Hurricane Irma in 2017.
The RDA now invites suitable firms to submit a tender in accordance with the requirements for the Installation of Lighting System at the A.O. Shirley Recreation Ground in Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.
The Procurement method will be conducted through the National (Domestic) Competitive Bidding (NCB) process.
The full Invitation to Tender document can be obtained by sending a request to the Procurement Unit at: procurement@bvirecovery.vg
Subject: Installation of Lighting System at the A.O. Shirley Recreation Ground; RDA/ITT/2025/001/NCB
Site Visit/Bidders’ Conference: 11th March 2025: 10AM; A.O. Shirley Recreation Ground
Tender submission deadline:
Friday 28th March 2025 at 10:00 AM
The RDA does not bind itself to accept the lowest priced or any other submission. The Agency reserves the right to cancel the present notice in its entirety or partially without defraying and cost incurred by any firm in submitting their proposal.