Supply Of Furniture For The Elmore Stoutt High School Re-Development
Winning Tenderer: Deccon International Inc. Commencement Date of Contract: 8th August 2022 Sector: Resilient InfrastructureType: Works
Winning Tenderer: Deccon International Inc. Commencement Date of Contract: 8th August 2022 Sector: Resilient InfrastructureType: Works
Winning Tenderer: Lawrence Wheatley Construction Commencement Date of Contract: 18th July 2022 Sector: Resilient InfrastructureType: Works
In July 2022, work continued across ongoing RDA-implemented projects. Specifically in July, work continued in earnest on the Redevelopment of the Elmore Stoutt High School: blockwork was completed for all four buildings, and work continued on internal and external plastering, readying for installation of windows and doors, and painting.
The Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) has contracted firms for the construction of the Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) under the ESHSRedevelopment project. Construction has started on 4th April 2022. The RDA intends to procure the services of a Contractor to complete outstanding civil infrastructurecomponents to conclude the redevelopment of the new ESHS.…
Background: The Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) has contracted firms for the construction of the Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) under the ESHS Redevelopment project. Construction has started on 4th April 2022, and this requires construction materials and finishes to be available in the territory for use by the selected contractors. The RDA…